University of Virginia Library


Student Wives - tel. survey work,
part-full time, weekdays.
Dependable with pleasant voice,
excellent working conditions.
Apply in person. 11 A.M.-7 P.M.
Olan Mill Studio - Barracks Road
Shopping Center.

WORK WANTED: Grad foreign
student - limited funds - willing to
work in any capacity, tutoring
maintenance, etc. Call 293-5650,
ask for Bernard.

RELAX - Exercise. Roller Skating
at Skatetown. Every evening except
Monday, 7:30-10:30. Special late
skate Sat. night, 10:00-1:00 P.M.

WANTED: Western Style Square
Dance Caller. Beginners considered
with use of records. Call 296-8186.

Student Night TONIGHT -
Spectrum East - All Students
admitted FREE - Top rock Band

All Commerce, College, and
Engineering students bring
PENCILS to your classes for
teacher-course evaluation during
the week of Jan. 4-8th.