University of Virginia Library

Classified Ads
and Notices

FOR SALE — One Pan-American
cornet—Reasonably priced—see
Moses Clements, 111 House A,
Dawson's Row

gave his hat to a lady to hold at
the Rotunda Dance will find the
hat in Madison Hall.

— 212 Park Place, University,
Virginia. Phone 1234 Guaranteed

FOR SALE — Brit, Sport Jacket.
Reasonable offer accepted. Eliot
Bartlett, 17 West Lawn.

FOR SALE — Registered
Dachshund puppies, Henry Bush,
Phone 1822.

— Offers an open invitation to
students and the general public.
Card service, Meals by the month
or ticket. Reasonable rates, Mrs.
W. V. Nance, Prop.

3 ROOM — furnished apartment
with kitchenette and bath suitable
for 2 or 3 students, adjacent
University. Also single rooms, No.
4 Oakhurst Circle, Tel. 1494.

STUDENT ROOMS — Single and
double rooms, $12.50 and
$10.00. Within 1 block of the
University. 422 Brandon Ave.
Phone 2990.

FOR RENT — Single and double
rooms with private bath or
kitchenette. Clean, quiet home,
Phone 14. 1310 Wertland St.

FOR SALE — 1939 Lincoln
Zephyr with radio, heater. Will
sell for $0. Phone 1254. Ask
for Fritz.

LOST — A pair of light brown
horn-rimmed glasses between
Romance Pavilion and Cabell Hall,
Return to W. S. Grace, 9 Peters

FOR SALE— Two combinations
radio Victrola, Floor model,
Priced reasonably. Apply
University Center Office in
Madison Hall after 2:30 p. m.

MEETING — There will be a
meeting of the Jefferson
Society tonight at eight. All
regular members are urged to

BARGAIN — Would like new bea
rushed by a gud fraternutty. Gud
bargin for howse. Reffer M.
Meatball fore refferunses. Anser
kwick. Odious Odin Meatball.

LOST — A brown spiral
notebook. Important, if found,
please return to Ed Pleasants at 21
Randall Hall.

NOTICE — Will the Mr. Jones
who phoned Miss Elms at
Sweetbriar on November 2, 1940,
please leave $.60 at the Guide
Service desk in Madison Hall to
pay for this call.

Congress meets tonight in
Madison Hall at 7:30.

WHO? Will the person who took
my covert top-coat, Collins label,
and left his Abercombie and Fitch
one in Cabell Hall Thursday
morning please call Will Gold at

LOST — Farmville State Teachers
College ring somewhere around
the University two weeks ago.
Finder please notify Mrs. C. T.
Lasly, University Park.

"SHINE ARTIST" (Monroe Hall
basement) for your convenience — open til p. m. Dance nights.
Gentlemen!—your shoes.

CENSORED SOCIETY — Important meeting today, 2:15 at
Madison Hall.

PATRONIZE Topics advertisers
and Topics want ads.