University of Virginia Library


BUSBOYS 17 and older. Apply in
person to the Library Restaurant.
132 Emmett St.

3rd Roommate. Venable Gardens,
Apt. 27, 312 13th St.,N.W., Close
to corner. Utilities included.
Completely furnished $60.00.

Wanted: Diamond Engagement ring
with platinum setting. Call Randy
at 293-3314. Price is no object.

Female roommate needed 1800
Jeff. Pk. Ave. Apt. 81, Call 295-7555
or 924-2596.

One or two men for part-time farm
work 20 minutes from the
University-mowing pasture,
mending fences, painting, etc.
Experience desirable but not
necessary. $2.25 an hour. Call
J.B.Murray, 973-4411 or 973-5268.

Wanted - 4th roommate needed to
fill new Varsity apartment.

Help wanted: Shakey's Pizza Parlor,
full and part time. Male or female
nights and/or weekends. No
experience necessary. Apply at