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Student Support
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Student Support

Mr. Morris believes that the reasons
for the success of the System
can be found in its responsiveness
to the changing mores of each
student generation and to the adherence
to the spirit of mutual trust
by students at the University since

He also noted that the System
has enjoyed such widespread support
because it is completely student
administered with no appeal
to anyone other than students. The
System has been able to survive
stormy political debates and movements
since it is not involved in
politics, according to the Chairman.
"Students on both the left and the
right support the System, because
they are able to see its direct
benefits for all."

Although the System has had
the overwhelming support of students
ever since its incorporation, it
still faces many challenges which it
must meet if it is to endure. According
to Mr. Morris, with a strong
tradition of success and the hard
work of this year's Committee he
hopes the System will remain the
hallmark of the University.