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RESOLVED that the following persons are elected to the faculty:

  • Ms. Mrinalini Chakravorty as Assistant Professor of English, for four academic years, effective August 25, 2006, at an academic year salary of $57,000.

  • Mr. Leland R. Deeds as Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 2006, at an annual salary of $46,700.

  • Ms. Regina M. DeGennaro as Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2006, at an academic year salary of $53,400.

  • Ms. Sarah A. Delgado as Assistant Professor, General Nursing Faculty, for one academic year, effective August 25, 2006, at an academic year salary of $49,100.

  • Dr. Wendi Rebecca Wills El-Amin as Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine, for the period March 1, 2006, through June 30, 2009, at an annual salary of $100,000.

  • Ms. Joan E. Gore as Assistant Professor, General Faculty, for one year, effective April 1, 2006, at an annual salary of $68,000.

  • Mr. Roy Kreitner as Visiting Associate Professor of Law, for one semester, effective January 10, 2006, at a salary of $82,000.

  • Dr. William M. Mihalko as Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, for three years, effective January 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $100,000.

  • Dr. Ralf M. Nass as Assistant Professor of Research in Internal Medicine, for the period June 23, 2006, through September 21, 2008, at an annual salary of $90,000.

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  • Mr. Abdul Rashid as Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiation Oncology and Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery, for one year, effective January 23, 2006, at an annual salary of $165,000.

  • Mr. Nicholas J. G. Winter as Assistant Professor of Politics, for the period June 25, 2006, through May 24, 2010, at an annual salary of $85,200.


RESOLVED that the actions relating to the chairholders are approved as shown below:

(a) Election of Chairholders

  • Mr. Edward L. Ayers as Buckner W. Clay Professor, effective August 25, 2006. Mr. Ayers will continue as Hugh P. Kelly Professor of History, without term.

  • Ms. Emily J. Hauenstein as Thomas A. Saunders, III, Family Professor of Nursing, effective August 25, 2006, for three academic years. Ms. Hauenstein will continue as Professor of Nursing, without term.

  • Dr. Ian J. Sarembock as Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Internal Medicine, effective March 25, 2006. Dr. Sarembock will continue as Professor of Internal Medicine, without term.

  • Mr. Richard H. Steeves as Madeline Higginbotham Sly Professor of Nursing, effective August 25, 2006, for three academic years. Mr. Steeves will continue as Professor of Nursing, without term.

(b) Change in the Effective Date of the Chair Election for Mr. Eric van Wincoop

RESOLVED that the election of Mr. Eric van Wincoop as Robert P. Black Research Professor of Economics, effective August 25, 2006, as shown in the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Visitors dated April 7-8, 2006, be changed to read as follows:


  • Mr. Eric van Wincoop as Robert P. Black Research Professor of Economics, effective February 25, 2006. Mr. van Wincoop will continue as Professor of Economics, without term.

(c) Special Salary Action of Chairholder

  • Ms. Felicia Gaskin, J. Pretlow Darden Professor in the School of Medicine, effective February 1, 2006, at an annual salary of $111,900.


RESOLVED that the following persons are promoted:

  • Mr. Alan Aqualino from Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiation Oncology to Associate Professor of Clinical Radiation Oncology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Ira R. Bashkow from Assistant Professor of Anthropology to Associate Professor of Anthropology, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Douglas A. Bayliss from Associate Professor of Pharmacology, without term, and Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, with term, to Professor of Pharmacology, without term, and Professor of Anesthesiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Carl L. Berg from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, with term, to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, without term, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. James D. Bergin from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine to Professor of Internal Medicine, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Rosalyn W. Berne from Assistant Professor of Science, Technology, and Society, to Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Cammy R. Brothers from Assistant Professor of Architectural History to Associate Professor of Architectural History, effective August 25, 2006.

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  • Mr. Michael G. Brown from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Assistant Professor of Microbiology to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, and Associate Professor of Microbiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Thomas E. Brown from Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery to Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Ted M. Burns from Assistant Professor of Neurology to Associate Professor of Neurology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. James E. Burroughs from Assistant Professor of Commerce to Associate Professor of Commerce, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. Christian A. Chisholm from Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology to Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Wendy F. Cohn from Assistant Professor of Research in Public Health Sciences to Associate Professor of Research in Public Health Sciences, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Alon Confino from Associate Professor of History to Professor of History, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Robert L. Cross from Assistant Professor of Commerce to Associate Professor of Commerce, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. Catherine B. Custalow from Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine to Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Cristina Della Coletta from Associate Professor of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese to Professor of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. David R. Diduch from Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery to Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, effective July 1, 2006.

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  • Mr. Paolo D'Odorico from Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences to Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Frederick H. Epstein from Associate Professor of Radiology, with term, and Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, with term, to Associate Professor of Radiology, without term, and Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. David E. Evans from Assistant Professor of Computer Science to Associate Professor of Computer Science, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Kevin J. Everson from Assistant Professor of Art (Studio Art) to Associate Professor of Art (Studio Art), effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. James M. Fitz-Gerald from Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering to Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. Phillip V. Gordon from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Nancy L. Harthun from Assistant Professor of Surgery to Associate Professor of Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Fern R. Hauck from Associate Professor of Family Medicine, with term, and Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, with term, to Associate Professor of Family Medicine, without term, and Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, for one year, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Evan B. Heald from Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Carrie M. Heilman from Assistant Professor of Commerce to Associate Professor of Commerce, effective August 25, 2006.

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  • Dr. Steven W. Heim from Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine and Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences to Associate Professor of Clinical Family Medicine, for two years, and Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, for two years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Robert J. Hirosky from Assistant Professor of Physics to Associate Professor of Physics, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. John F. Hunt from Assistant Professor of Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Erika H. James from Associate Professor of Business Administration, with term, to Associate Professor of Business Administration, without term, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Laura M. Justice from Assistant Professor of Education to Associate Professor of Education, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. Michel Kahaleh from Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. John A. Kern from Associate Professor of Surgery, with term, to Associate Professor of Surgery, without term, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Christopher M. Kramer from Associate Professor of Radiology, without term, and Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, with term, to Professor of Radiology, without term, and Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. John C. Lach from Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering to Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Deborah Lawrence from Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences to Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Jeffrey W. Legro from Associate Professor of Politics to Professor of Politics, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Jon E. (Ted) Lendon from Associate Professor of History to Professor of History, effective August 25, 2006.

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  • Ms. Angeline S. Lillard from Associate Professor of Psychology to Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. Maria-Beatriz S. Lopes from Associate Professor of Pathology, without term, and Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, with term, to Professor of Pathology, without term, and Professor of Neurosurgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Steven R. Majewski from Associate Professor of Astronomy to Professor of Astronomy, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. James M. Mangrum from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Natalie B. May from Assistant Professor of Research in Internal Medicine to Associate Professor of Research in Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Raghavendra G. Mirmira from Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, with term, and Associate Professor of Pharmacology, with term, to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, without term, and Associate Professor of Pharmacology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Christopher A. Moskaluk from Associate Professor of Pathology, with term, to Associate Professor of Pathology, without term, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Anne L. Mounsey from Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine to Associate Professor of Clinical Family Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Edward M. Murphy from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three academic years, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Thomas B. Nachbar from Associate Professor of Law, with term, to Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2006.

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  • Mr. Robert K. Nakamoto from Associate Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, without term, and Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, with term, to Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, without term, and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Shigehiro Oishi from Assistant Professor of Psychology to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. Juan M. Olazagasti from Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology to Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Jeffrey K. Olick from Associate Professor of Sociology, with term, to Associate Professor of Sociology, without term, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Christine S. Patrick from Assistant Professor, General Faculty, to Associate Professor, General Faculty, for three years, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Gina R. Petroni from Associate Professor of Research in Public Health Sciences, with term, to Professor of Research in Public Health Sciences, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Mark S. Quigg from Associate Professor of Neurology, with term, to Associate Professor of Neurology, without term, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Paul W. Read from Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology and Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery to Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, for three years, and Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman from Assistant Professor of Education to Associate Professor of Education, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. Robert G. Sawyer from Associate Professor of Surgery, without term, and Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, with term, to Professor of Surgery, without term, and Professor of Public Health Sciences, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Dorothy A. Schafer from Assistant Professor of Biology to Associate Professor of Biology, effective August 25, 2006.

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  • Mr. William T. Scherer, III, from Associate Professor of Systems and Information Engineering to Professor of Systems and Information Engineering, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Leonard J. Schoppa from Associate Professor of Politics to Professor of Politics, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Richard C. Schragger from Associate Professor of Law, with term, to Professor of Law, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Heidi Scrable from Associate Professor of Neuroscience, with term, to Associate Professor of Neuroscience, without term, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. James R. Self from Associate Professor, General Faculty, Alderman Library, with term, to Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Corinne M. Silva from Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Assistant Professor of Microbiology to Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, and Associate Professor of Microbiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Paul J. Simko from Associate Professor of Business Administration, with term, to Associate Professor of Business Administration, without term, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Stacey A. Sinclair from Assistant Professor of Psychology to Associate Professor of Psychology, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Ruth L. Stornetta from Assistant Professor of Research in Pharmacology to Associate Professor of Research in Pharmacology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Ann E. Sutherland from Associate Professor of Cell Biology, with term, to Associate Professor of Cell Biology, without term, effective July 1, 2006.

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  • Dr. Russell H. Swerdlow from Associate Professor of Neurology, with term, to Associate Professor of Neurology, without term, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Gang Tao from Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering to Professor of Electrical Engineering, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Augustine Thompson from Associate Professor of Religious Studies to Professor of Religious Studies, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Dr. Paul H. Ting from Assistant Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology to Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Julie D. Turner from Assistant Professor of Medical Education in Microbiology to Associate Professor of Medical Education in Microbiology, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Dr. Linda A. Waggoner-Fountain from Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics to Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.

  • Ms. Cynthia S. Wall from Associate Professor of English to Professor of English, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Weiqiang Wang from Associate Professor of Mathematics to Professor of Mathematics, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Alison P. Weber from Associate Professor of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese to Professor of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Ms. Gweneth L. West from Associate Professor of Drama to Professor of Drama, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Ronald T. Wilcox from Associate Professor of Business Administration to Professor of Business Administration, effective August 25, 2006.

  • Mr. Scott O. Zeitlin from Assistant Professor of Neuroscience to Associate Professor of Neuroscience, for three years, effective July 1, 2006.



RESOLVED that the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:

  • Mr. Reginald L. Belin, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective March 14, 2006, at an annual salary of $122,000.

  • Dr. Carl L. Berg, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, effective February 1, 2006, at an annual salary of $100,000.

  • Mr. Leonard J. Carter, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective January 17, 2006, at an annual salary of $57,300.

  • Mr. William Cooper, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective March 1, 2006, at an annual salary of $120,000.

  • Dr. Alan C. Dalkin, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, effective February 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $133,100.

  • Mr. John M. Garrett, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective February 16, 2006, at an annual salary of $144,000.

  • Ms. Catherine P. Gillespie, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective June 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $50,000.

  • Mr. Michael D. Greco, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective March 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $56,600.

  • Mr. Albert M. Groh, III, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective March 8, 2006, at an annual salary of $168,000.

  • Ms. Barbara Angelica Hampton, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective June 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $40,000.

  • Ms. Carla H. Lee, Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Brown Science and Engineering Library, effective December 25, 2005, at an annual salary of $68,200.

  • Mr. Robert D. Linder, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective March 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $90,000.

  • Mr. William E. McIntire, Assistant Professor of Research in Pharmacology, effective January 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $62,000.

  • Mr. Aaron L. Mills, Professor of Environmental Sciences, effective June 25, 2006, at an annual salary of


  • Mr. Robert K. Nakamoto, Associate Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics and Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, effective February 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $110,000.

  • Ms. Kendra K. Nelsen, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective June 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $65,000.

  • Mr. James M. Pattie, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective February 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $65,000.

  • Mr. Anthony S. Poindexter, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective February 10, 2006, at an annual salary of $91,600.

  • Mr. Joel Rini, Professor of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, effective August 25, 2006, at an academic year salary of $95,000.

  • Mr. Lee M. Ritterband, Associate Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, effective February 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $89,100.

  • Ms. Caroline R. Rudder, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective June 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $50,000.

  • Dr. Weibin Shi, Associate Professor of Radiology, effective January 1, 2006, at an annual salary of $84,200.

  • Ms. Kathleen D. Valenzi, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective February 25, 2006, at an annual salary of $75,600.

  • Mr. Eric van Wincoop, Professor of Economics, effective February 25, 2006, at an academic year salary of $180,000.

  • Mr. Needham Earl Ward, Lecturer, General Faculty, effective March 6, 2006, at an annual salary of $90,000.

  • Mr. Richard J. Will, Associate Professor of Music, effective August 25, 2006, at an academic year salary of $76,000.



The following resignations were announced:

  • Mr. Steven A. Balbus, Professor of Astronomy, effective May 24, 2006, to accept another position.

  • Ms. Alison B. Breland, Assistant Professor of Research in Psychiatric Medicine, effective February 28, 2006, to accept another position.

  • Ms. Yolanda L. Cooper, Associate Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective April 7, 2006, to accept another position.

  • Ms. Lillian J. Currie, Assistant Professor of Research in Neurology, effective June 2, 2006, for personal reasons.

  • Mr. Joshua F. Dienstag, Professor of Politics, effective May 24, 2006, to accept another position.

  • Mr. Michael E. Hood, Research Assistant Professor of Biology, effective May 24, 2006, to accept another position.

  • Dr. William P. Irvin, Jr., Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, effective March 3, 2006, for personal reasons.

  • Dr. Michael E. Pannunzio, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, effective March 10, 2006, to accept another position.

  • Dr. Gary P. Rakes, Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, effective March 31, 2006, to accept another position.

  • Dr. Antoinette R. Saddler, Assistant Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, effective March 16, 2006, to accept another position.

  • Dr. George M. Verghese, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, effective May 16, 2006, to accept another position.


  • Dr. Mark T. Worthington, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, effective May 31, 2006, to accept another position.

  • Dr. Zhi Q. Yao, Assistant Professor of Research in Pathology, effective February 28, 2006, to accept another position.


The following retirements were announced:

  • Mr. Donald W. Jones, Professor, General Faculty, effective May 31, 2006. Mr. Jones has been a member of the faculty since September 1, 1972.

  • Ms. Allison M. Sleeman, Assistant Librarian, General Faculty, Alderman Library, effective July 24, 2006. Ms. Sleeman has been a member of the faculty since March 1, 1986.


The following re-appointments were announced:

  • Mr. Gordon C. Burris as Senior Assistant to the President, for five years, effective May 1, 2006.

  • Mr. Stuart W. Connock as Executive Assistant to the President for State Governmental Relations, for one year, effective April 16, 2006.

  • Ms. Virginia H. Evans as Assistant Vice President for Integrated System Deployment and Support, for three years, effective March 26, 2006.

  • Ms. Sondra F. Stallard as Dean, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, for five years, effective July 1, 2006.


RESOLVED that Mr. Gene D. Block is re-elected Vice President and Provost, for five years, effective August 25, 2006.



The following deaths were announced:

  • Mr. Walter J. Rogers, Jr., Associate Professor of Research in Radiology, died March 30, 2006. Mr. Rogers had been a member of the faculty since January 30, 2002.

  • Mr. Roger W. Shattuck, Commonwealth Professor of French, died December 8, 2005. Mr. Shattuck was a member of the faculty from 1974 until his resignation in 1988.