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W. M. THORNTON. Professor of Mathematics Applied to Engineering.

CHARLES S. VENABLE, LL. D., Professor of Mathematics.

FRANCIS H. SMITH, M. A., LL. D., Professor of Natural Philosophy.

JOHN W. MALLET, Ph. D., M. D., LL. D., F. R. S., Professor of Chemistry.

F. P. DUNNINGTON, B. S., Professor of Analytical Chemistry.

WM. M. FONTAINE, M. A., Professor of Natural History and Geology.

R. D. BOHANNAN, B. S., C. & M. E., Instructor in Pure Mathematics and Physics.

This Department is designed to furnish intending engineers thorough
and practical instruction in the principles of Engineering and the sciences
connected therewith. For this purpose, in addition to the Schools of
Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History and
Geology, and Analytical Chemistry, the School of Mathematics Applied
to Engineering has been established. For the first five Schools the
courses of instruction are given in detail in the Scientific Department.


Prof. Thornton.

The courses of this School are arranged as follows:

I. Civil Engineering.

Junior Class:—Projective Geometry, Engineering Geodesy, Engineering
Construction, Lines of Communication.

Senior Class:—Engineering Mechanics, Stability of Structures,
Hydraulic Engineering.

II. Mining Engineering.

Junior Class:—Projective Geometry, Engineering Geodesy, Engineering
Construction, Exploitation of Mines.


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Senior Class:—Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Machines,
Theory of Prime Movers.

Instruction in the foregoing subjects is conveyed by a course of systematic
lectures, combined with assiduous practice in the field and at
the drawing-board, continued throughout the course.

In the lecture course, after careful elucidation of fundamental principles,
the rules of construction are deduced, and applied to the criticism
of existing structures and the design of proposed works.

In the field course the adjustments and use of the instruments are taught,
and the student, after a thorough drill in the methods of measuring and
estimating lengths, altitudes, and angles, is required to execute surveys of
lands, buildings, and topography; to locate lines for railways, highways
and canals; and to set out curves, earth-works and masonry.

In the course of design the easy and accurate use of pen and brush is
first acquired by exercises in projective and topographic drawing. The
student is then required, from assigned data, to compute the dimensions
of proposed structures, and on the basis of his computations to prepare
bills of material, and general and detailed drawings of the works; to draw
up specifications and furnish estimates of quantities.

To facilitate the instruction in this department, the University has
provided a commodious and well-lighted lecture room and drawing hall, an
adequate supply of field instruments of the best construction, and models
and drawings of a large variety of structures, illustrating the best practice
of modern engineers, American and foreign.

Students who desire to enter the Department of Engineering should
possess an accurate knowledge of the elements of Algebra, Geometry,
and Trigonometry. With such preparation the following order of studies,
leading to the Degrees of C. E. and M. E. is recommended:

Degree of C. E.—First Year:—Junior Applied Mathematics, Chemistry,
Mathematics. Second Year:—Senior Applied Mathematics, Natural
Philosophy, Mineralogy and Geology.

Degree of M. E.—First Year:—Junior Applied Mathematics, General
Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics. Second Year:—Senior Applied
Mathematics, Industrial Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Mineralogy
and Geology.

The expenses of a student of Civil Engineering are from $290 to $330.
Those of a student of Mining Engineering are from $355 to $395.