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University Dormitories.
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University Dormitories.

Rules.—Students desiring rooms should apply to the Bursar, enclosing
a reservation fee of $5, which will be returned should there be no room to

Rates.—The rates stated below are for furnshed room.

If occupied by one student, the following furniture is provided: 1 three-piece
enameled iron bed with comfortable spring and mattress, 1 chiffonier or
dresser, 1 table, 1 straight chair and 1 rocking chair or morris chair.

If occupied by two students, the following furniture is provided: 2 single
beds, or 1 double deck bed with springs and mattresses, 1 chiffonier or dresser,
1 desk or two tables, 1 rocking chair or morris chair and two straight chairs.

Additional furniture may be rented if desired.

All rooms are heated by hot water and lighted by electricity.

The student should bring bed linen, towels, blankets, pillow, etc., or they
can be purchased here if desired.

The rates given are for the session of nine months.

The occupant of a room may reserve it for the next session by applying to
the Bursar and depositing $5 not later than May 1. No room may be sublet
without the consent of the Bursar.

East and West Lawns.

Rooms in Bachelor's Row, W. Lawn (9)  $ 90.00 
Other rooms (27)  95.00  130.00 

East Range.

Rooms in old gymnasium building (8)  80 00  110.00 
Other Rooms (26)  92.00  126.00 

West Range.

Regular Rooms (20)  92.00  126.00 

Dawson's Row.

Rooms (51)  95.00  130.00 
Single Rooms (5)  60.00  80.00