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Parnassi Puerperium

or, Some Well-wishes to ingenuity, in the Translation of Six Hundred, of Owen's Epigrams; Martial de Spectaculis, or of Rarities to be seen in Rome; and the most Select, in Sir Tho. More...

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8. The punishment of Laureolus.

Prometheus to cold Caucasus is chain'd;
Whilst by his Entrails, Vultures are sustain'd:
Wretched Laureolus, a Northern Bear;
Very sincerely, did asunder tear.
Every Vein, to weep Bloud was inclin'd:
Strict search in's Carkass, could no Body finde.
Thus one that stab'd his Master, must have dy'd;
Or Actors of infernal Parricide.
This Torment is his due, who dares Rome Fire;
Or who deflowres, the Gods most sacred Quire.
Obsolete Mischiefs, resalute the Stage:
Fables prove True; in this our conscious Age.