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[Millions of sheep so dearly bought]

And other sheep I have, which are not of this, &c. —x. 16.

Millions of sheep so dearly bought,
Immortal souls redeem'd of old,
Jesus, Thou hast already brought,
And added to the Christian fold:
Whole nations have Thy call obey'd,
Gentiles and Jews Thy gospel known,
And join'd to Thee their common Head,
Thy church throughout the earth is one.
One God the children all confess,
One Head the members all adore,
One Spirit of faith and holiness,
Who fills them with His love and power;
One flock, one body, and one bride,
So closely join'd in mind and heart,
That neither earth nor hell divide,
That neither life nor death can part.
Yet millions still uncall'd remain
Wide wandering in the wilderness,
Thee, Saviour, let Thy love constrain
To bring in every sheep that strays:


O let them hear and flock to Thee
From north and south and east and west,
Together all Thy glory see,
And in their Shepherd's bosom rest.
The secret whisper of Thy love,
The small still voice shall bring them home,
Though far as hell from heaven they rove
From God, they to Thy church shall come.
For Thy own gracious promise sake
Thou wilt incline their hearts to' obey,
One undivided people make,
And give us all one perfect way.
Then jarring sentiments shall cease,
And discord's voice be heard no more,
While in the truth of holiness
Thy church with one consent adore,
Flesh of Thy flesh, bone of Thy bone,
The members each to each shall join,
Cemented by Thy blood alone,
And one with unity Divine.