University of Virginia Library

Of an Astrnomer, and a Plowman.

A Kyng sometyme determined,
an huntyng for to ride:
Of diuers persones did demaunde,
what weather would betide.
A student in Astronomie,
(there standyng by) did tell
It would be faire, so that his grace,
might ride on huntyng well.
A Plowman poore vnto the Prince,
gan thus replie againe:
Beleue hym not sur, bide at home,
for sure I cham twull raine.


The kyng did laugh apace, at last
all businesse set aside:
The kyng with troup, and all his traine,
doeth forthe on huntyng ride.
Not entred scant the wood, but straite
vppon the trees did dashe
A powryng shower that paied them all,
and well the kyng did washe.
The prince the Plowman praisde: and said
looke thou where Starres do stand
Poore Plowman: and prowd Strologer,
take thou a whip in hand.
The like Astronomers to this
we haue in Englande here:
More fitter for to till, then tell,
except thei wiser were.