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THESAURO-PHULAKION[Greek]: or, A treasury of divine raptures

Consisting of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams. Alphabetically rank'd and fil'd by a Private Chaplain to the Illustrious and Renowned Lady Urania The Divine and Heavenly Muse. The first part [by Nicholas Billingsley]

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336. On Conviction.

336. On Conviction.

Conviction of sin is the first act
Of Christs, wrought in Believers Gods elect
There can be no Faith without sense of sin,
And of the misery that we are in:
And there can be no sense of sin indeed,
Unless a real sight of sin precede;
Which the Law shews, the main end of the Law
Is to drive us to Christ, (Free-grace must draw)
Men may know sin, not be convinc'd at all,
There's a conviction meerly rational,
There is in that conviction which is right,
A clear, a real, and a constant light:
When by this light, let by the Spirit into
The soul, we see sin, death, there's now a through
Conviction: O the evils that await
Upon an Unregenerate estate!
So much conviction as may bring in,
And work in us compunction for sin:


So much is necessary and no more,
A sound conviction always goes before
Sincere conversion; there are no doubt
Many convictions for sin without
Conversion, but no conversion
Without convictions; 'tis the Spirit alone
That must convince (as Christ did once express)
The world of sin, and also right'ousness.
Conviction is Gods preparatory
To Faith, and so to everlasting Glory.
The seed that wanted depth of earth decay'd,
Faith that is not in deep conviction laid,
Will wither soon, and be for nothing meet,
Till sin is bitter, Christ is never sweet.
Christ calls 'tis true, but he gives ease to none,
But them that do under sins burden groan.
A man must see himself lost and undone,
Before to Christ he can for comfort run.
When once the soul convinced is of Sin,
And the Hell at his heels, it doth begin
To prize a Saviour, when convictions dart,
Is by the Spirit whirled in the heart,
It panteth after Christ, begs hard for grace;
And O how willing is it to imbrace
Christ upon his own terms! it's free to have
Christ for to rule, as well as Christ to save.
Let God propound what Articles he please,
The humble soul subscribes to them with ease.


When one is brought to Christs terms, to believe
And obey, then is he fit to receive
The streams of mercy, when Gods Spir't hath been
A Spirit of Conviction, it then
Becomes a Spirit of consolation:
When the Plough of the Law hath gone upon
The heart, and broken up the fallow ground,
Now God (whose love doth evermore abound)
Doth sow the seed of comfort; such as boast
Of comfort, ah! but by the holy Ghost
Were never yet convinc'd, find in conclusion
Their comfort a Satannical delusion.