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[And have they not agreed it now]

The Jews had agreed already that if any man, &c. —ix. 22.

And have they not agreed it now,
While us who dare acknowledge Him,
To the one God in Jesus bow,
God self-existent and supreme,
Out of the Church they still reject,
And force into a separate sect?
But O most gracious God and true,
Defeat their dire malicious aim,


Who hate the Lord they never knew,
Abhor the followers of the Lamb,
And would as schismatics oppress,
And slay Thy patient witnesses.
Sole all-sufficient God most-high,
Exalted on Thy throne above,
The flock who on Thy blood rely
For peace and purity of love,
Kept in the British fold defend,
Kept in the Church till time shall end.