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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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To Iesus Christe.

If euer me thou loue,
I ioyfull am for aie:
If euer me thou leaue,
my soule doeth sorrowe slaie.
If euer me thou loue,
thrise happie then am I:
If euer me thou leaue,
then (out alas) I dye.
If euer me thou loue,
abounde I doe in blisse:
If euer me thou leaue,
then all thyng doe I misse.


If euer thou me loue,
who then as I so glad?
If euer me thou leaue,
then who as I so sad?
If euer me thou loue,
thou euer makst me liue:
If euer me thou leaue,
deathes dart thou dost me giue.
If euer me thou loue,
who liues so glad as I?
If euer me thou leaue,
who dies so bad as I?
If euer me thou loue,
in heauē thou makst me dwell:
If euer me thou leaue,
thou driust me doune to hell.
Wherefore O louyng Lorde,
loue still to make me liue:
So shall I neuer leaue,
thee laude and praise to giue.