University of Virginia Library

HYMN 130. (C. M.) The new Creation.


Attend, while God's exalted Son
Doth his own glories shew;
‘Behold I sit upon my throne
‘Creating all things new.


‘Nature and sin are pass'd away,
‘And the old Adam dies;
‘My hands a new foundation lay,
‘See the new world arise.


‘I'll be a sun of righteousness
‘To the new heavens I make;
‘None but the new-born heirs of grace
‘My glories shall partake.’


Mighty Redeemer, set me free
From my whole state of sin;
O make my soul alive to thee,
Create new powers within.


Renew mine eyes, and form mine ears,
And mould my heart afresh;
Give me new passions, joys and fears,
And turn the stone to flesh.


Far from the regions of the dead,
From sin, and earth, and hell,
In the new world that grace has made
I would for ever dwell.