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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents
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20th. of April Satturday 1805

Wind a head from the N W. we set out at 7 oClock proceeded
on, soon after we set out a Bank fell in near one of
the canoes which like to have filled her with water, the wind
became hard and waves so rough that we proceeded with our
little canoes with much risque, our situation was such after
setting out that we were obliged to pass round the 1st Point or
lay exposed to the blustering winds & waves, in passing
round the Point several canoes took in water as also our large
Perogue but without injuring our stores &c much I proceeded
on to the upper part of the Ist bend and came too at a butifull
Glade on the S.S. about I mile below Capt Lewis who had
walked thro' the point, left his Coat & a Deer on the bank
which we took on board, a short distance below our Camp
I saw some rafts on the S. S. near which, an Indian woman
was scaffeled in the Indian form of Deposing their Dead and
fallen down She was or had been raised about 6 feet, inclosed
in Several robes tightly laced around her, with her dog Slays,
her bag of Different coloured earths paint small bones of
animals beaver nales and Several other little trinkets, also a
blue jay, her dog was killed and lay near her. Capt. Lewis
joined me soon after I landed & informed me he had walked
several miles higher, & in his walk killed 2 Deer & wounded
an Elk & a Deer, our party shot in the river four beaver &
cought two, which were verry fat and much admired by the
men, after we landed they killed 3 Elk 4 Gees & 2 Deer
we had some of our Provisions &c. which got a little wet aired,
the wind continued so hard that we were compelled to delay
all day. Saw several buffalow lodged in the drift wood which
had been drouned in the winter in passing the river; saw the
remains of 2 which had lodged on the side of the bank & eat
by the bears.


Page 326

Course distance &c. 20th. of April 1805

South  1 1/2  miles to the upper part of a timbered bottom at a bluff
on the Lad Side 
West  1 1/2  miles to a high timber on the Sd. Side passing over a
large Sand point on S.S. 
N. 45°. W.  1 1/2  mile to a tree in a Glade in a bend to the Starboard
Side a sand pt. opsd
S. 45° W.  miles to a point of low willows on the Sd. Side. 
6 1/2 

This morning was verry cold, some snow about 2 oClock
from flying clouds, Some frost this morning & the mud at
the edge of the water was frosed