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In June when broom in bloom was seen,
And brackens waved fou fresh and green,
And warm the sun wi' silver sheen,
The hills and glens did gladden, O;
Ae day, upon the border bent,
The tinklers pitched their gipsy tent,
And auld and young, wi' ae consent,
Resolved to haud a weddin', O.
The bridegroom was wild Norman Scott,
Wha twice had broke the nuptial knot,
And ance was sentenced to be shot
For breach o' martial orders, O;
His gleesome joe was Madge M'Kell,
A spaewife, match for Nick himsel',
Wi' glamour, cantrip, charm, and spell,
She frichted baith the borders, O.
Nae priest was there, wi' solemn face,
Nae clerk to claim, o' crowns, a brace;
The piper and fiddler play'd the grace
To set their gabs asteerin', O.
'Mang beef and mutton, pork and veal,
'Mang painches, plucks, and fresh cow-heel,
Fat haggises and caller jeel,
They clawt awa careerin', O.


Fresh saumon newly ta'en in Tweed,
Saut ling and cod, o' Shetland breed,
They worry'd till kytes were like to screed,
'Mang flagons and flasks o' gravy, O.
There were raisin kail, and sweet-milk saps,
And ewe-milk cheese in whangs and flaps;
And they roopit, to gust their gabs and craps,
Right mony a cadger's cavie, O.
The drink flew round in wild galore,
And soon upraised a hideous roar;
Blithe Comus ne'er a queerer core
Saw seated round his table, O.
They drank, they danced, they swore, they sang,
They quarrell'd and 'greed the hale day lang,
And the wranglin' that rang amang the thrang
Wad match'd the tongues o' Babel, O.
The drink gaed done before their drouth,
That vex'd baith mony a maw and mouth,
It damped the fire o' age and youth,
And every breast did sadden, O;
Till three stout louns flew owre the fell,
At risk o' life, their drouth to quell,
And robbed a neebourin' smuggler's stell,
To carry on the weddin', O.
Wi' thunderin' shouts they hail'd them back,
To broach the barrels they werena slack,
While the fiddler's plane-tree leg they brake
For playing fareweel to whisky, O.
Delirium seized the roarous thrang,
The bagpipes in the fire they flang,
And sowthering-airns on riggins rang,
The drink play'd siccan a pliskie, O.
The sun fell laigh owre Solway's banks,
While on they plied their roughsome pranks,
And the stalwart shadows o' their shanks
Wide owre the muir were spreadin', O.
Till, heads-and-thraws, amang the whins,
They fell wi' broken brows and shins,
And sair-craist banes fill'd mony skins,
To close the Tinkler's Weddin', O.