University of Virginia Library


For Plenty.

“Continue Thy loving-kindness unto us, that our land may yield us her fruits.” —Prayer Book.

While the breezy woodlands sing
And the ripen'd corn-fields bring
Bending harvests, rich and rare,
Seek we, Lord, the Shrine of prayer.
What is Growth, in fruit, or field,
All which golden summers yield,—
But indeed a sacred Birth
Preaching God through all the earth!
Verdant haunts, and vine-clad hills,
Freshness which the landscape fills,
Each can tune the harp of thought
Waking tones with wonder fraught,—
Wonder, that a sin-born race
Still behold Thy mercy-Face
Beaming down such radiant bliss
On a world depraved as this!
Did the foodless soil remain
Scorch'd by heat, or drench'd by rain,
Were our flocks and herds to fail,
And a famish'd Empire's wail
Heard to pierce yon deafen'd skies,—
Could we dare uplift our eyes,
Nor in all, pure Justice see
Vindicating Truth, and Thee?
But in Christ, reveal'd Thou art
Pouring with paternal Heart
Peace and plenty, far and wide
Rich as Canaan's seer descried.


Eden of the Ocean, smiles
Thus our Queen of sceptred Isles,
Fair and fruitful, free and bold,
Such as poet-dreams behold!
Fountains, lakes, and lovely dells,
Woods and groves, with haunting spells,
Garden-slope and winding glade,—
Lord! in each hast Thou display'd
Signs and symbols, that Thy hand
Hath adorn'd our wave-girt Land
With high gifts of heavenly power,
Linking Thee with scene, and hour.
To the Giver in His gift
Lauding worship thus we lift,—
Looking through each veil that lies
On each charm Thy grace supplies.
Let our soaring hearts ascend,
And their anthem'd praises blend
With Heaven's orchestra on high,
Echo'd through eternity!
Might the vast creation feel
What Thy words to us reveal,
Matter then, as well as Mind,
Would adore Thee, with mankind.
Living Christ of holy love!
Waft pure wisdom from above,
Faith, and feeling,—all which can
Raise and rescue sunken Man.
Lost in Self, but saved in Thee,
Let our bright'ning spirits be
Ever growing, more and more,
Like the Lord Whom they adore.

Acts xiv. 17.