University of Virginia Library


III. In the Baptismal Service.

First on Baptismal waters bright
It seems to move, a face of light,
And when around we kneel and pray,
The holy accents seem to say,
“Our Father, freed from error's chain,
May we Thy children be,
At this blest fountain born again
To filial liberty.
All things are changing, Thou the same,
Thou art our heavenly home;
Be hallowed here our Father's Name,
Until His kingdom come.
Lo, to Thy kingdom here below
We little children bring,
For to that kingdom such we know
The meetest offering.
That they in Thee may here put on
Thy kingdom's panoply,
And in the path of duty run,
Like children of the sky.


Oft as breaks out their mother's stain,
While they advance to Heav'n,
Children in love may they remain,
Forgiving and forgiv'n.
Let nought allure them from Thy word,
Or tempt their spirits frail,
But should they fall, yet, blessed Lord,
Let evil not prevail.
But when our Childhood's morn was ending,
And we 'neath holy hands were bending,
Beside that altar's witness stone
That prayer had caught an altered tone.
The cheek with shame and hope was burning,
To a lost Father's house returning;
It seem'd to chide, and yet to cheer,
And to that blending hope and fear
It brought our endless birthright near,
And from the rude world seem'd to sever,
Binding us to that shrine for ever.