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Bog-land Studies

By J. Barlow: 3rd ed

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Well, wan night, comin' home agin sundown, I met wid some girls at the gate
Beyant Reilly's, an' Biddy O'Loughlin: ‘Och Jimmy,’ sez she, ‘man, ye're late;


For we seen thim just now, passin’ by near the pool at the fut o' the hill,
Your sweetheart an' her sweetheart, thick as two thieves. Ye might find thim there still,
If ye stirred yourself,’ sez she. Sez I: ‘Find a sweetheart, me lass, o' your own,
And it's thin ye'll be maybe contint to let other folks' sweethearts alone.’
So sez I; but I thought to meself I'd turn back be the way that I came,
An' keep out o' the sight o' the hole. But it's there I wint sthraight all the same.