Ovid's metamorphoses in fifteen books Translated by the most Eminent Hands. Adorn'd with Sculptures |
I. |
II. |
III. |
IV. |
V. |
VI. |
VII. |
IX. |
X. |
XI. |
XII. |
XIV. |
XV. |
Ovid's metamorphoses in fifteen books | ||
The Song of the Pierides.
Then rises one of the presumptuous Throng,
Steps rudely forth, and first begins the Song;
With vain Address describes the Giants Wars,
And to the Gods their fabled Acts prefers.
She sings, from Earth's dark Womb how Typhon rose,
And struck with mortal Fear his heav'nly Foes.
How the Gods fled to Egypt's slimy Soil,
And hid their Heads beneath the Banks of Nile;
How Typhon, from the conquer'd Skies, pursu'd
Their routed Godheads to the sev'n-mouth'd Flood;
Forc'd ev'ry God, his Fury to escape,
Some beastly Form to take, or earthly Shape.
Jove (so she sung) was chang'd into a Ram,
From whence the Horns of Libyan Ammon came.
Bacchus a Goat, Apollo was a Crow,
Phœbè a Cat; the Wife of Jove a Cow,
Whose Hue was whiter than the falling Snow.
Mercury to a nasty Ibis turn'd,
The Change obscene, afraid of Typhon, mourn'd;
While Venus from a Fish Protection craves,
And once more plunges in her native Waves.
Steps rudely forth, and first begins the Song;
With vain Address describes the Giants Wars,
And to the Gods their fabled Acts prefers.
She sings, from Earth's dark Womb how Typhon rose,
And struck with mortal Fear his heav'nly Foes.
How the Gods fled to Egypt's slimy Soil,
And hid their Heads beneath the Banks of Nile;
How Typhon, from the conquer'd Skies, pursu'd
Their routed Godheads to the sev'n-mouth'd Flood;
Forc'd ev'ry God, his Fury to escape,
Some beastly Form to take, or earthly Shape.
Jove (so she sung) was chang'd into a Ram,
From whence the Horns of Libyan Ammon came.
Bacchus a Goat, Apollo was a Crow,
Phœbè a Cat; the Wife of Jove a Cow,
Whose Hue was whiter than the falling Snow.
Mercury to a nasty Ibis turn'd,
The Change obscene, afraid of Typhon, mourn'd;
While Venus from a Fish Protection craves,
And once more plunges in her native Waves.
She sung, and to her Harp her Voice apply'd;
Then us again to match her they defy'd.
But our poor Song, perhaps, for you to hear,
Nor Leisure serves, nor is it worth your Ear.
That causeless Doubt remove, O Muse rehearse,
The Goddess cry'd, your ever-grateful Verse.
Beneath a chequer'd Shade she takes her Seat,
And bids the Sister her whole Song repeat.
The Sister thus; Calliopè we chose
For the Performance. The sweet Virgin rose,
With Ivy crown'd; she tunes her golden Strings,
And to her Harp this Composition sings.
Then us again to match her they defy'd.
Nor Leisure serves, nor is it worth your Ear.
That causeless Doubt remove, O Muse rehearse,
The Goddess cry'd, your ever-grateful Verse.
Beneath a chequer'd Shade she takes her Seat,
And bids the Sister her whole Song repeat.
The Sister thus; Calliopè we chose
For the Performance. The sweet Virgin rose,
With Ivy crown'd; she tunes her golden Strings,
And to her Harp this Composition sings.
Ovid's metamorphoses in fifteen books | ||