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Poems and Translations upon Several Occasions [by Mary Monck]

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Translation of a Sonetto of Dr. Salvini's.

Translation of a Sonetto of Dr. Salvini's.

His native Shore the Mariner forsakes
Blith, and for Golden Dreams he quits his Ease,
But broke with Toil, vows to the Gods he makes
If he returns, ne'er more to try the Seas.
The Gods consent, and bring him safe to Land,
But tir'd with Ease, or pinch'd by Want and Cares,
He views his shatter'd Hulk upon the Strand,
Refirs it, nor new Seas nor Dangers fears.


Thus when I launch'd into Love's faithless Main,
Fallacious Hopes did o'er my Fears prevail,
And pleas'd, I drove upon the liquid Plain,
And spread my Sails to ev'ry flattering Gale.
'Till my weak Bark by furious Tempests caught,
Was well nigh sunk; I Shipwreck'd reach'd the Shore,
And by my own too sad Experience taught,
Resolv'd to trust those treach'rous Waves no more.
When from Lucinda's Eyes a Look serene,
That gently smil'd, and promis'd fair, inspir'd
Fresh Gales of Hope, I put to Sea again,
Loathing that Port, I once so much desir'd.