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Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions

Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason]

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DIVES his Second Petition

If such an Envious Gulf there be,
Yet, Father, Lend an Ear to me.
From Earth to Heaven, a way is Pav'd.
How else came Lazarus to be Sav'd.
Let me so Small a Boon Entreat,
That Lazarus may his steps repeat.
And that he may Imbody'd go,
And tell the Stories of my Wo
To my Five Brethren, who all dwell within
My Fathers House (O had he never been!)
Brethren in Bonds of Nature and of Sin.
O let him tell them, that there is a God,
Whose Scepter is a Sin-revenging Rod.


And let him tell them that adventr'ous drolls,
Shall find unto their costs that they have Soules.
Mine Stuck i'th' Scabbard; Till its angry Lord
Unsheath'd it, and it prov'd a Flaming Sword.
That Limbeek, Death, draws Spirits from our Clay,
To th'Element of Soules they hast away.
And let him tell them, that the Sadduce
Shall be Hells Convert, and recant with me.
Whilest they ly Sleeping on the brink of Hell.
The Smoak they see not, nor the Brimstone Smell.
There they'l disport themselves with Golden dreams.
Till they betray 'em to these burning Streams.
But let him Scare them with an hollow Sound,
That they (like Lot) may Flee their cursed Ground.
O send him quickly least they Tumble in,
And prove the Flaming Records of my Sin.
Can I no water get at my desire;
Yet, O, no more, no more, new Fleakes of Fire.
This Abraham heard with Unrelenting eares.
No pity's due to Hell-Hounds cries and tears.