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The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch

Diuided into two parts. The first part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient Songs and Creeds. The second part consists of Spirituall Songs, appropriated to the seuerall Times and Occasions obserueable in the Church of England. Translated and Composed by G. VV. [i.e. George Wither]

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SONG. LXXX. Rogation Weeke.
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SONG. LXXX. Rogation Weeke.


Sing this as the 44. Song.


It was thy pleasure, LORD, to say,
That whatsoeuer in thy Name
We prai'd for, as we ought to pray,
Thou would'st vouchsafe to grant the same.
Oh, therefore we beseech Thee now,
To these our praiers which we make,
Thy gracious care in fauour bowe,
And grant them for thy mercies sake.


Let not the Seasons of this Yeare,
(As they their courses doe obserue)
Engender those Contagions here,
Which our transgressions doe deserue:
Let not the Summer Wormes impaire


Those bloomings of the Earth, we see;
Nor Blastings, or distemper'd Ayre
Destroy those Fruites that hopefull be.


Domesticke brawles expell thou farre,
And be thou pleas'd our Coast to guard,
The dreadfull sounds of in-brought War,
Within our Confines be not heard:
Continue also here thy Word,
And make vs thankefull (we Thee pray)
The Pestilence, Dearth, and the Sword
Haue beene so long with-held away.


And, as we heedfully obserue
The certaine limits of our Grounds,
And outward quiet to preserue,
About them walke our yeerely Rounds:
So, let vs also haue a care,
Our Soules possessions, LORD, to know,
That no encroachments on vs there,
Be gained by our subtill Foe.


What pleasant Groues, what goodly Fields!
How fruitfull Hils and Dales haue we!
How sweet an Ayre our Climate yeelds!
How stor'd with Flockes, & Heards are we!
How Milke and Honey doth or'eflow!
How cleare & wholsome are our Springs!
How safe from rauenous Beasts we goe!
And, oh how free from Poysnous things!


For these, & for our Grasse, our Corne;


For all that springs from Blade or Bough;
For all those blessings that adorne
Or Wood or Field this Kingdome through:
For all of these, thy praise we sing,
And humbly (LORD) entreat thee too,
That Fruit to thee we forth may bring,
As vnto Vs thy Creatures doe:


So, in the sweete refreshing shade,
Of thy Protection sitting downe,
Those gracious Fauours wee haue had,
Relate we will to thy renowne;
Yea, other men, when we are gone,
Shall for thy Mercies honour Thee,
And famous make what thou hast done,
To such as after them shall be.