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A Dialogue between Nature and Art.

Contend with me! Art, th'art too bold.
Am I not Empresse of this Mould?
The Rose from me its Red receives;
The Lilly whitenesse, Trees their Leaves.
Am I not Former of all things,
Who give both birth and life to Kings.

The former true I were to blame
Not to confess't but know I am
Reformer and that bears a Name
As large in the expanse of Fame
What thou in framing Careless wert
Is both suppli'd and helpt by Art,
The Tawny are made fair by me,
The crooked Streight as Cedar-tree,
The Pale Cheeks I suppli'd with Red,
To which thy Rose doth look as dead;
And not a Creature comes from thee
But I can draw more Buxomly.

By this thou shew'st thou ha'st the fame
To imitate but not to frame;
Canst thou unto the Rose give sent;
Or breath a Vertuall Ornament
In Flours or Fruit, or Man or Beast,
Or yield a vitall to the least?
If so, I'le yield my self to thee,
And wee'l be friends undoubtedly.


First tell me if thou canst preserve
What thou do'st frame, and do not swerve
From Reason, Silence renders no;
Then be not troubled to know
I can, and by that consequence
Ought to have the preheminence:
For he that can preserve from Death,
Can without doubt give more than breath:
The Rose and Lilly I can keep
Fresh as in Iune, from Death or sleep:
And if my Pencil fall, my Pen
Can keep alive the acts of men
That life is nothing worth forgot
Ev'n shadow like where I am not
For I can do more than I've said,
By powerfull verse revive the dead.

Then Art.

Then Nature.

Let's oh let's agree,
And keep alive Ostella's Memory,
That wheresoev'r Nature and Art doth Rest,
Ostella may with Glory be exprest.