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The poems of John Audelay

Edited with introduction, notes and glossary [by Ella Keats Whiting]

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De tribus regibus mortuis.

An a byrchyn bonke þer bous arne bryȝt,
I saw a brymlyche bore to a bay broȝt.
Ronke rachis with rerde þai ronnon a-ryȝt,
Of al hore row and hore rest lytil hom þoȝt.
Me þoȝt hit ful semele to se soche a s[i]ȝt
How in a syde of a salȝe a sete him he soȝt,
Fro þe noyse þat hit was new til hit was ne nyȝt,
Fro þe non bot a napwile, me þoȝt hit bot noȝt—
Me þoȝt hit noȝt bot a þrow—
To se how he þrobyt and þrew.
Honters with hornes þai kowþ blow;
Þai halowyd here howndys with ‘how!’
In holtis herde I neuer soche hew.


Soche a hew in a holt were hele to beholde
To se þe howndis him hent and gar him to helde.
Þer come barownce to þat bay with barsletys bolde;
Þai blewyn here bewgulys ful breme hore brachus to b[e]ld[e].
Þre kyngys þer come trewle I tolde,
With donyng and tryffylyng and talis þai telde.
Vche a wy þat þer was wroȝt as þai wold.
Þese wodis and þese wastis þai waltyn al to w[e]lde,
Þai waltyn at here wil to ware
Þese wodis and þe wastus þat þer were;
Herkyns what befel of here fare—
Ham lykyd no lorchip in lare—
Þe lede þat wold lestyn and lere.
When þai weren of þese wodys gone at here wy[n],
Þai fondyn wyndys ful wete and wederys ful w[on],
Bot soche a myst vp-o molde with mowþ as ȝoue m[i]n.
Of al here men and here mete þai mystyn vche mon.
‘Al our awnters,’ quoþ one, ‘þat we beþ now inne,
I hope fore honor of erþ þat anguis be ous on.
Þaȝ we be kyngis ful clene and comen of ryche kyn,
Moche care vs is caȝt fore kraft þat can.
Can I mo no cownsel bot care,
Bot couerys and cachis sum rest;
Be morne may mend þis myst.
Our Lord may delyuer vs with lyst
Or lele our lyuys ar l[e]st.’


Where þai not forþ gone fotis bot a fewe,
Þai fondon feldus ful fayre and fogus ful fow.
Schokyn out of a schawe þre schal[k]ys at en[e],
[Sc]hadows vnshene were chapid to ch[o]w,
[W]ith lymes long and lene and leggys ful lew,
[H]adyn lost þe lyp and þe lyuer seþyn þai were layd loue.
***** was no beryn þat þer was dorst bec nor bewe,
[Bo]t braydyn here brydilys agayne, hor blongis can bl[ow];
Here blonkis can blow and abyde.
Seche barns þai can hom byde,
Þai se no sokur hom besyde,
Bot oche kyng apon Crist cryde
With crossyng and karpyng o crede.
The furst kyng he had care, his hert ourcast,
Fore he knew þe cros of þe cloþ þat couerd þe cyst.
Forþ wold not his fole bot fnyrtyd ful fast,
His fayre fawkun fore ferd he fel to his f[y]st:
‘Now al my gladchip is gone, I gre[de] and am agast
Of þre gostis ful grym þat cace me be Cryst.
Fore of[t] haue I walkon be wodys and be wast,
Bot was me neuer so wo in þis word þat Y wyst,


So wo was me neuer I wene.
My wit is away oþer wane;
Certis sone hit wil be sene
Our conny[n]g wil turne vs to tene,
Fore tytle I trow we bene tane.’
Then bes[po]ke þe ij kyng þat mekil was of myȝt,
Was made as a man schuld of mayn and of m[a]ȝt,
‘Me þenkys, seris, þat I se þe selquoþ syȝt
Þat euer segge vnder sonne sey and was saȝt,
Of þre ledys ful layþ þat lorne haþ þe lyȝt;
Boþ þe lip [and þe] lyuer his fro þe lyme laȝt.
Fore ȝif we tene to þe towne as we hadyn tyȝt,
Ha ful teneful way I trow þat vs is taȝt,
Vs is taȝt, as I trow,
I tel ȝou no talis bot trew.
What helpis our hontyng with how?
Now rayke we to þe ȝonder row,
Or raddele oure rese mon we rew.’
Þen speke þe henmest kyng, in þe hillis he beholdis,
He lokis vnder his hondis and his hed heldis;
Bot soche a carful k[ny]l to his hert coldis,
So doþ þe knyf ore þe kye, þat knoc kelddus.
‘Hit bene warlaws þre þat walkyn on þis woldis.
Oure Lord wyss us þe rede-way þat al þe word w[e]ldus!
My hert fare[s] fore freȝt as flagge when hit foldus,
Vche fyngyr of my hond fore ferdchip hit feldus.


Fers am I ferd of oure fare;
Fle we ful fast þer-fore.
Can Y no cownsel bot care.
Þese dewyls wil do vs to dare,
Fore drede lest þai duttyn vche a dore.’
‘Nay, are we no fyndus,’ quoþ furst, ‘þat ȝe before ȝou fynden;
We wer ȝour faders of fold þat fayre ȝoue haue fondon.
Now ȝe beþ lykyr to leue þen leuys on þe lynde[n],
And lordis of oche towne fro Loron into Londen.
Þose þat bene not at ȝour bone ȝe beton and b[yn]don;
Bot ȝef ȝe betun þat b[ru]st, in bale be ȝe bondon.
Lo here þe wormus in my wome þai wallon and wyndon,
Lo here þe wrase of þe wede þat I was in wondon;
Here-in was I wondon i-wys
In word wan þat me worþelokyst was.
My caren was ful cumle to cusse.
Bot we haue made ȝoue mastyrs amys
Þat now nyl not mynn us with a mas.’
That oþer body began a ful brym bere,
‘Lokys on my bonus þat blake bene and bare.
Fore wyle wondon in þis word, at worchip we were,
Whe hadon our wyfe at our wil well fore to ware.
Þenkes ȝe no ferle bot frayns at me ferys,
Þaȝ ȝe be neuer so fayre þus schul ȝe fare.
And ȝif ȝe leuyn vpon Crist and on His lore lerys,
Leuys lykyng of flesche and leue not þat lare,


Fore warto schuld ȝe leue hit, hit lyus;
Hit ledys ȝoue be lagmon be lyus,
When þou art aldyr-hyȝtus[t] and hyust;
Away of þis word when þat þou wryust,
Al þi wild werkys hit wreus.’
Then speke layþe vpo last with lyndys ful lene,
With eyþer leg as a leke were lapid in lyne,
‘Makis ȝour merour be me, my myrþus bene mene;
Wyle I was mon apon mold merþis þai were myne:
Me þoȝt hit a hede þenke at husbondus to hene,
Fore þat was I hatyd with heme and with hyne,
Bot þoȝt me neuer kyng of coyntons so clene.
Now is þer [no] knaue vnder Crist to me wil enclyne,
To me wil enclyne, to me come,
Bot ȝif he be cappid or kymyd.
Do so ȝe dred not þe dome.
To tel ȝoue we haue no longyr tome,
Bot turn ȝoue fro tryuyls betyme.’
Now þis gostis bene grayþ, to graue þai glydyn,
Þen began þese comys grayþle to glade.
Þai redyn on þe ryȝt way and radle þai rydyn,
Þe red rowys of þe day þe rynkkys kouþyn rade.
Holde þai neuer þe pres be hew ne be hyde,
Bot ay þe hen[d]yr hert after þai hade.
And þai þat weryn at myschip þai mend ham þat tyde.
And þroȝ þe merce of God a mynster þai made,
A mynster þai made with masse,
Fore metyng þe men on þe masse


And on þe woȝe wrytyn þis was.
To lyte will leue þis, allas!
Oure Lord delyuer vs from losse. Amen.