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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 56. Miserere mei Deus.

Ad Præstantem, super Columbam mutam Remotorum, Michtam Davidis, cùm deprebenderent eum Pelishtim in Gath.


Be mercifull, O God, to mee,
whom man would make his prey:
Whose hands from fighting never free,
oppresse me all the day.


My foes to swallow me out-right,
their daily powers apply:
For many hands against me fight,
O thou that art Most-Hie.


The day that cloudy doubts appeare,
to make my heart affraid;
My hopes yet shining through my feare,
expect thy promis'd aide.


In God by me his Word sincere,
sincerely prais'd shall be:
In God I trust, and will not feare
what flesh can doe to me.


To wrest my words is all their care,
their daily counsells end,
Against me, all for evill are
the thoughts that they entend.


Together all lay out their line,
as close as hooke in bait:
Observing every step of mine,
when for my soule they wait.


Shall wickednesse such wages have?
so safe shall they escape?
Digge in thy wrath, O God, the grave
that for their fall shall gape.



Thou numbrest all my wandring yeeres,
what toiles I undertooke:
Told in thy bottle put my teares,
are they not in thy booke?


That day that I upon thee call,
my foes shall turne their backe:
Of God, I know, I never shall
the gracious favour lacke.


In God the Word will I commend,
the Word praise-worthy most:
Lord, of thy Word, where is no end
of praise, my praise shall boast.


On God my hopes their anchor throw,
affraid I will not be,
What earthly man to me can doe,
or challenge done by me.


Thy vowes, O God, upon me are,
which I to thee will pay:
And sacrifice of praise prepare
before thy face to lay.


For thou my soule from death didst free,
my feet from sliding quite:
To walke, O God, in sight of thee,
with them that live in light.