University of Virginia Library


Sonetto. 29.

[The fluent streame, whose stealing course being stayed]

The fluent streame, whose stealing course being stayed,
Breakes out vnto a greater deluge rage,
The force of fier with violence delayed,
Makes all thinges weake his furie to asswage:
Desire contrould, will agrauate desire,
And fancie crost will fancies force-encrease,
When louing thoughtes will motiue loue inspire,
Enuies oppose can not their bondes release:
Thus currents small doe proue the greatest streames,
Small cinders doe encrease, to raging flame,
The hardest hartes are pearc'd with beauties beames,
I hide my griefe yet loue discours the same:
Sweete beautie is the sparke of my desire,
And sparkes in time may breede a flaming fier.