University of Virginia Library




On the unveiling of a portrait of a lady who devised funds for building a church at Mattapan, Massachusetts.

Living, she loved the house of prayer;
Loving, she lived to plant it here,
And left what love could well afford,
A noble offering to her Lord.
No better monument could tell
What her heart loved, and loved so well,—
Such holy love breathed in her breath,
Lived in her life, survived her death.
Though marble piles in dust decay,
And human glory melts away,
Her gift abides in sins forgiven,
In souls redeemed, and heirs of heaven.
Blessings be on this favored spot,—
No act of love shall be forgot;
And Christ's approving word shall be,
She, what she could, had done for me.
May 8, 1889.