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Thou hast not mourned, sweet dove!
But wearest the aspect of immortal youth!
Thou art like Peace begotten of pure Love,
Nursed by Religion in the Bowers of Truth,
And on Ambrosia, which the Months do bring,
Fed by the Spirit of perpetual Spring.


Thou wert not born to die!
The grave could feel no pride in burying thee!
Death would not dare to look thee in the eye—
Or, if he did, those smiles of purity,
Like streams of light descending from above,
Would melt his icy heart to tears of love.
There is not one on earth,
Nor in the Heaven above, like thee, sweet One!
Thou look'st as if God's smiles had given thee birth—
Sent on the wings of morning from the Sun—
A chrysolite of joy—of light divine—
I would not give for earth, if thou wert mine!
New York, June 8th, 1838.