University of Virginia Library



R.N. Student Assoc. Important
Thurs. May 3 5:00 p.m.
1010 McLeod All 3rd and 4th
vz. students requested to attend.

Coordinating Meeting –
Charlottesville Friends of the Earth,
Thurs. May 3, 7:30
p.m. 331 Dumington.

Whoever wrote $4.10 check for
ACL tell Walt, Bridge 7:30
Thursday. Dogwood Room. All

Counselor's Committee on Human
Sexuality meetings 5:45 p.m. Webb
Conference Room. Important.

U.Vs. Riding Club meeting about
May 12 Horse Show, 7 p.m.
Newcomb Hall Meeting Room.

Engineering Council meeting; M.
Reading Room, 7:00 p.m.

Eli Banana - Important meeting
Thurs. night, 9:00 at Phi Gam house
Debtors bring check books.


1974 Medical School applicants see
Mr. Steward May 4 8:30, 9:30 or
10:30 a.m. Phys 204 r Early

Hillel Foundation: Dell-Dinner, 6
p.m. Phone 295-4963 for
reservations; Israel's Birthday and
Hillel Elections.