University of Virginia Library

Untapped Resources

Granted that Virginia is not
especially well known for
widespread citizen participation in
government, but the University
would appear to be ignoring a large,
heretofore untapped resource.
There are many alumni and parents
of alumni who retain an interest in
the University. There is every
reason to believe that they could be
marshaled into an effective lobby,
along with interested citizens and
alumni of other state schools in an
attempt to persuade the legislature
that more funds are needed and
that overcrowding is a really bad
way to run state universities.

How about it President

* * *

A few weeks ago, this column
cited the ROTC affairs committee
as a particularly egregious example
of an administrative committee that
failed to perform its designated
function. The committee has not
met in the past two years and as of
yet no meeting has been scheduled,
although the chairman, Professor
Hamilton of the Biology
Department has given assurances
that the committee will meet soon.
This column inadvertently implied
that Professor Hamilton has chaired
the committee during that entire
period of inactivity. To set the
record straight, Professor Hamilton
has been the chairman during the
1969-1970 session and is chairman
during the current academic
session. As stated, during that time,
no meeting of the committee has