University of Virginia Library


WANTED: Girls 26″ Bicycle, not
English type. 295-1595.

Happy Birthday Wild Bill - Don't
let Genetics get you down from
The NIP.

A.J.G. Priest, Scholar in Residence
of UVa Law School, past First
Chairman of National Executive
Council of United World
Federalists, will discuss "World
Government Must Come" 11 a.m.
Sunday at Unitarian Church.

"Thoreau has both wit and sense,
and its dialogue both zings and
sings."—Washington Star

SUMMER EUROPE - $199 June 11
— Sept. 1, or June 25 - Aug. 28.
N.Y./London R/T - DC. 8 Jet Call
293-9485 after 10 p.m.

Wanted: babysitter for two mo. old
baby, Tues. & Thurs. afternoons.
Reliable & experienced. 295-5356.

University Union has inexpensive
European car leases avail. for
Student & Faculty through Nat.
Student Assoc. See or call Union.
Newcomb Hall, 924-3286.

Male Ed. D. Student - single 27 -
seeking intelligent/passionate
female who enjoys walks in
country. Brazil 66, poetry and
horses. Respond in care of Cavalier
Daily, Ed. D. Student.