![]() | The Cavalier daily Wednesday, April 22, 1970 | ![]() |
11:30-4:30 ONLY. NONE
Cobras to Formula Vees -
Virginia International Raceway
(Danville) April 25-26. Buy advance
tickets and save $9. 295-6640.
1969 Honda CB 175, touring
model, blue, very good condition,
under 300 miles, $475 or best
offer. 296-0500.
1969 Honda 350 CL. Excellent
condition, under 2000 miles. Call
Bob Crozer 295-8007.
Arbiter Fuzz, Greco WaWa Pedal,
both $23. Larry, 109 Emmet,
1965 Mustang, 6 cyl., excellent
body, good gas, power. $1,000
firm: Mike, No. Echols,
Bogen AM-FM tuner, amplifier,
tube-type, mono., 50 watts, $30,
1969 Lotus Elan, 12,000 miles,
has Konis, oil cooler, stereo tape,
body cover, tonneau, and roll bar.
Call or leave message for Kip at
1968 R1 350 Yamaha, fast,
clean, excellent condition, $495.
Jack 295-6606.
1961 light green VW with sun
roof. Call 295-3280 after 1:30 p.m.
Price $300, must sell before May!
1967 Volkswagen, light blue,
27,500 miles, excellent condition,
call 295-3688.
1962 Renault Dauphine Deluxe,
good condition, $150 or good
offer, call 296-22.
1965 MG Magnetta, 4 door
sedan, needs work, need clutch,
must sell 296-5086.
1964 190 Mercedes Benz sedan,
automatic, $0. Call 293-7688
after 6 p.m.
1966 Thunderbird fully
equipped, air conditioned, extra
tires, excellent condition, vinyl top.
Call after 6 on weekdays and
anytime weekends and anytime
weekends, 293-3596.
1965 MGB, white, wire wheels,
good tires, tonneau, interior,
mechanically round. 293-8309,
1964 BMW R 60. Engine rebuilt
last summer. New tires, many
accessories, custom seat. $650 or
best offer. 293-9464.
1966 Mustang convertible, air
conditioned, AM/FM radio,
engine, $1525 293-1014 after 6
Ponchos,, chalecos, leather
pants, and moccasins. Blue jeans,
jackets, western boots and clothing.
The Saddle Shop, 220 West Water.
Classic Bugeye Sprite, new inside
and out. Modified engine. Beat
offer, 296-4281.
All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible
student of the University will be
allowed to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.
Summer sublet - University
Heights apts., two bedrooms, air
conditioned, pool, television, dishwasher.
Immediate occupancy - luxury
1 bedroom apts., furnished
unfurnished, w/w carpeting, air
cond., convenient to University.
Call 296-552.
Summer sublet - 1 bedroom
furnished, water, heat and air cond.
included. 1 block from E-school, 2
blocks from Cabell Hall. Call
Summer sublet - completely
furnished, 2 story - 2 bedroom
house, one block from Cabell Hall,
directly behind E-school. Large
living room and dining area. Call
296-5096, cheap.
Summer sublet - 2 BR, furnished,
duplex apt., 2 stories,
parking, dog (?) Next to Lambeth
Field. Cheap. 295-5786.
Summer sublet - furnished
house, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, living
room, kitchen air conditioned, 1
block behind Corner, cheap!
Sublet - new, all electric 2
bedroom air conditioned apt., near
Corner, 296-127.
Sublet - June - August
- available next year, 2 bedroom,
furnished pool, patio, air conditioned.
$130/mo. Call 295-4743.
Summer sublet - furnished
two-three large bedrooms. 10
minute walk to Cabell, utilities
included. Price negotiable,
Summer sublet - furnished, air
conditioned, dishwasher, carpeted,
balcony, 2BR, University Heights
Apts., June 10-Aug. 31,
negotiable. 293-3217.
Summer sublet - furnished,
roomy, 2 bedroom duplex, with
eat-in kitchen, near University.
Going cheap, 296-96.
Sublet - $160 apt., June-Aug.
for $100. 2 bedrooms, furnished,
air conditioned, call 296-130.
Rooms for rent this summer,
1609 University Ave., across from
Rotunda, two month lease, single
rooms, maid service daily. All for
$90 total. Call Avery Cousins at
Hot running water, flush toilet,
windows, doors, furniture, roof.
Rent negotiable, 5 rooms, 4 man
duplex, Cabell Hall one minute.
One man summer pad, air
conditioned, kitchen, private, 2
min. from Univ. $50/month,
Summer sublet: apartment, 2
bedrooms, furnished air
conditioned, bar, 2 blocks from
Rotunda. Call 293-8080.
Jefferson Towne Apt. (behind
Stromberg Carison). A chance to be
first occupants. 3 BR with den, air
cond., TV, pool. Call 295-320.
Converted 5
bedroom, furnished house, available
June for summer or for full year
beginning June. Call 295-320 for
full details.
Summer sublet - rustling oaks
or fashionable, good taste Garth
Rd. Three large bedrooms, 2 baths,
garage, furnished. Private lake and
only 10 min. from University. Call
Zonkers - summer sublet.
Perfect for two or three. Very close
to University at 1705 JPA. Pets
allowed, 295-1916.
Modern 2 bedroom apartment,
air cond. cable, near Corner, for
summer sublet. Reasonable. Call
Summer sublet - 6 rooms (2
bedrooms) dishwasher, air conditioned,
swimming pool; available
June 2, price negotiable. 14 St.
Hayes Garden, Call 295-5496, Bill
Andersen, Mike Lifset.
Summer sublet - spacious 3
bedroom house, completely furnished,
must lease, Very cheap, call
Bobby Lipman, 296-4535.
Room available May 1 - Aug.
31, furnished, pvt. entrance, pvt.
bath, 501C Brandon Ave. $60
month, Call Dr. Holcomb 924-0211
or 293-702.
Small apartment or room with
bath for one man for one calendar
year beginning early June.
29-3471 nights.
Any enterprising student
interested in making $25 for about
one-day's work should contact
Student Council ext. 3454.
Female roommate to share
house. Call 296-2055.
Men needed now for public
relations work in Ch'ville, 3-4
evenings per week. No sales.
Excellent pay, must have sharp
appearance and car. Call Richmond
35-6719 before 5 p.m.
Female roommate to share
apartment summer and next year.
924-302 924-315 room 118
Mary Munford, Mary or Lorrie.
Registered X-ray Technician,
evening shift. Apply University
Personnel Office, 1416 West Main
St. An Equal Opportunity Employer.
One or two roommates for large
apartment next year. One block
from Cabell, John 293-7035.
Found - Wilson Memorial H.S.
class ring at U. Esso station
restroom on 4/18. Contact Gary,
Gilmer Hall 163 or 152 to identify
Found - pair of Mustang keys
at SAM house Saturday night.
The RENEGADES are coming!
The Yankee, Man with no name,
Reb. Indian, Stranger, and Hired
Gun will arrive to see Thursday's
Flick. The sheriff has until noon to
get out of town.
Photographs for graduate school
applications, college applications,
ROTC, OCS, and so forth. One day
service, reasonably priced, negatives
kept on file for future years. Phone
Gitchell's Studio, 296-7, 107 E.
Main St.
![]() | The Cavalier daily Wednesday, April 22, 1970 | ![]() |