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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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J. E. Dirks, The Critical Theology of Theodore Parker (New
York, 1948). Jonathan Edwards, Representative Selections.
With Introduction, Bibliography and Notes,
eds. C. H. Faust
and T. H. Johnson (New York, 1935; rev. ed. 1962), useful
for basic writings, critical introduction, references, and
notes; idem, Treatise on the Religious Affections (Boston,
1746), also a new edition, ed. J. E. Smith (New Haven, 1959).
J. Haroutunian, Piety versus Moralism; The Passing of the
New England Theology
(New York, 1932). F. Hutcheson, An
Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue

(Glasgow, 1723). E. H. Madden, Civil Disobedience and
Moral Law in Nineteenth Century American Philosophy

(Seattle, 1968), especially useful for the history of Oberlin
College. J. Marsh, The Remains of the Rev. James Marsh,
ed. J. Torrey (Boston, 1843). H. A. Pochmann, German
Culture in America
(Madison, 1957), best account of Marsh's
philosophy. H. W. Schneider, The Puritan Mind (New York,
1930), does not do justice to the illuminism and pietism
in Edwards, but describes his early enlightenment.


[See also Enlightenment; God; Holy; Love.]