University of Virginia Library


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for Schools and Colleges, now in the course of publication.

☞ The following works, already published, may be regarded as specimens
of the whole series, which will consist of about thirty volumes.

Sallust's Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline,
with an English Commentary, and Geographical
and Historical Indexes. By Charles Anthon, LL.D.
Sixth Edition, corrected and enlarged. 12mo. With
a Portrait. Sheep extra.

Select Orations of Cicero: with an English Commentary,
and Historical, Geographical, and Legal Indexes.
By Charles Anthon, LL.D. 12mo. Sheepextra.

Cæsar's Commentaries on the Gallic War; and the
first Book of the Greek Paraphrase; with English
Notes, critical and explanatory, Plans of Battles,
Sieges, &c., and Historical, Geographical, and Archæological
Indexes. By Charles Anthon, LL.D., &c.

A Grammar of the Greek Language, for the Use
of Schools and Colleges. By C. Anthon, LL.D. 12mo.

A System of Greek Prosody and Metre, with
Illustrations of the Choral Scanning in the Dramatic
Writers, with Teutonic, Gothic, Sclavonic, Gaelic,
Sanscrit and Zend Analogies. By Charles Anthon,
LL.D. 12mo.

First Latin Lessons, containing the most Important
Parts of the Grammar of the Latin Language, together
with appropriate Exercises in the translating and
writing of Latin, for the Use of Beginners. By Charles
Anthon, LL.D. 12mo.

First Greek Lessons, upon the plan of the “Latin

The Works of Horace, with English Notes, critical
and explanatory. New Edition, with corrections and
improvements. 12mo.

Jacob's Greek Reader, with Notes, &c. A new edition,
superior to any heretofore published in this country.

Anthon's Classical Dictionary, in one vol. 8vo.
This will be the best and most complete Classical
Dictionary ever published. [In press.]


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Sydney Clifton. A Novel. 2 vols. 12mo.

Charles Vincent; or, the Two Clerks. 2 vols. 12mo.

Indian Tales and Legends. By Henry R. Schoolcraft.
2 vols. 12mo.

The Gentleman of the Old School. By G. P.
R. James, Esq. 2 vols. 12mo.

Charles Tyrrell; or, the Bitter Blood. By G. P.
R. James, Esq. 2 vols. 12mo.

Deerbrook. By Harriet Martineau. 2 vols. 12mo.

Richelieu; or, the Conspiracy: A Play, in five Acts.
To which are added, Historical Odes on the Last
Days of Elizabeth; Cromwell's Dream; the Death
of Nelson. By the author of the “Lady of Lyons,”
“Eugene Aram,” &c. 12mo.

Cheveley; or, the Man of Honour. By Lady E. L.
Bulwer. 2 vols. 12mo.

The Cabinet Minister. By Mrs. Gore, Author of
“Mothers and Daughters,” “Hungarian Tales,” &c.
2 vols. 12mo.

The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare,
with the Corrections and Illustrations of Dr. Johnson,
G. Steevens, and others. Revised by Isaac Reed, Esq.
6 vols crown 8vo. Portrait and other Engravings.

Public and Private Economy. Illustrated by Observations
made in England in 1836-7. By Theodore
Sedgwick. 12mo.

The Prince and the Pedler; or, the Siege of
Bristol. By Mrs. Pickering, Author of “The Heiress,”
“Agnes Serle,” &c. 2 vols. 12mo.

Merry Tales of the Three Wise Men of
. By Hon. James K. Paulding, Author of
“The Dutchman's Fireside,” &c. 12mo.

Captain Kyd; or, the Wizard of the Sea By J. H.
Ingraham, Esq., Author of “Lafitte, the Pirate of the
Gulf,” &c. 2 vols. 12mo.

The Far West; or, a Tour beyond the Mountains.
Embracing Outlines of Western Life and Scenery;
Sketches of the Prairies, Rivers, Ancient Mounds,
Early Settlements of the French, &c. &c. In 2 vols.

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