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The records of the Virginia Company of London
[title page]
List of Records
Addenda et Corrigenda
Table of Explanations
28 APRILL 1619 A Quarter Court held for Virginia at Sr Thomas Smiths howse in Philpott Lane 28 of Apr9 1619 Present Right hono:ble͠
MAY THE 12th1619 A Court held for Virginia at Mr. Ferrars Howse in St. Sithes Lane, Being Present
MAY THE 11619
MAY THE 26th 1619
IUNE THE VIJth, 1619. A Preparatiue Court held for the Virginia Company at Mr. fferrars Howse in St Sithes Lane.
IUNE IXth 1619 A Quarter Court held for Virginia at Mr Ferrars howse in St Sithes Lane Present
IUNE THE 14th 1619
IUNE THE 24th 1619
IUNE THE 28th 1619
IULY THE 13th 1619 A Court held for Virginia at Sir Tho: Smiths howse in Philpott Lane.
IULY THE 21th 1619 A Court held at Mr fferrars howse in St Sythes Lane, Being present
OCTOBER THE 20th 1619
NOUEMBER THE 15th 1619 A Preparatiue Court held for Virginia at Mr fferrars howse in St Sythes Lane. Present
At a great and generall Quarter Court houlden for Virginia on Wedensday the 17th of Nouemb 1619. Were Present.
An extraordinary Courte helde the xxijth of Nouember 1619:
DECEMBER, Ye 23: 1619
IANUARY Ye: 12th: 1619
IANUARY THE 26th: 1619.
A Preparatiue Courte held for Virginia At Sr Edwin Sandis house ye last of Ianuary 1619
Att a greate and Generall Quarter Courte Holden for Virginia at Sr Edwin Sandys House neer Aldersgate the second of February 1619
FEBRUARY Ye 22th [1619–20]:
MARCH THE 15th 1619
An extraordinary Courte helde the 20th: of march 1620
MARCH Ye—XXIXth: ANNo DOM̃: 1620
A meetinge of Comittees helde at Sr Thomas Smithℯ by order from the Virginia Courte 18th: March 1619
An extraordinary Courte held at Sr Edwin Sandys house the 3 of Aprill 1620
An Vnperfect Courte helde for Virginia att Sr Edwin Sandys howse ye viijth of Aprill 1620.
MAY Ye XIth 1620
The Preparatiue Courte 15o: Maij 1620
A Quarter Courte held for Virginia at mR Ferrars in Stt Sithes Lane the 17th OF May 1620
An extraordinary Courte helde for Virginia ye 23th of May 1620
The sentence of the Courte touchinge Capt Brewsters Condempnation.
A Courte held for Virginia the last of May 1620
23 IVNIJ 1620 A Courte helde,
26 IUNIJ 1620. At a Court then helde was
28 IVNIJ 1620. A Generall Quarter Courte held in the fforenoone at mr Ferrars house the xxviijts of Ivne 1620
28TH IUNIJ 1620 A great and generall Quarter Courte helde in the afternoone at Mr Ferrarℯ house. 28th Iunij 1620:
A Courte held in the afternoone att mr fferrarℯ house 7 Iulij 1620 ther beinge
12 IULIJ 1620 Att a Generall Courte helde in the afternoone for Virginia the 12th Iulij 1620
An extraordinary Courte Helde 18th Iulij 1620 Ther Beinge
Att a Courte helde ye 4th of Nouember 1620
A Preparatiue Courte held ye 13th of Nouember 1620
Att a Quarter Courte helde for Virginia the 15th of Nouember 1620.
Att a Courte helde in ye afternoone ye 13th of December 1620;
A Preparatiue Court held the 29 Ianua:
A Generall Quarter Court held for Virginia Vltimo Ianuarij 1620:
An Extraordinary Court held for Virginia 22: Februarij 1620:
At a Court held for Virginia the 12 of Aprill 1621:
A Præparatiue Court for Virginia 30: Aprilis 1621:
At a great and generall Quarter Court held for Virginia on Wenesday the second of May 1621:
Att an Extraordinary Court held for Virginia the 12 of May 1621
A Court held for Virginia the 23D: May 1621: at Mr Ferrars house:
A Præparatiue Court held for Virginia in the Afternoone the Xjth of Iune 1621.
Att a great and generall Quarter Courte helde for Virginia the 13th of Iune 1621
At a generall Courte helde for Virginia the 25th Iunij 1621
At an extraordinary Courte helde for Virginia ye 2th Iulij 1621
At a Courte helde for Virginia the 10th Iulij 1621
An extraordinary Courte ye 12th of Iuly 1621
At a Courte held ye 16: of Iuly 1621
At a Court helde 24 Iulij 1621
Att a meetinge of ye Magazine Aduenturers ye 27 Iulij 1621
A Courte helde yli 15th: of October 1621
A Courte helde the 17th of October 1621
At a Courte helde ye 22th October 1621.
At a Courte helde ye 24th: October 1621.
Att a Courte helde ye laste October 1621
At a Meetinge of the Com̃ittee on Thursday §Tuisday§ the 30: Octob: i621 Present
At a Court held for Virginia the 14th of Nouember i621
A Præparatiue Court held for Virginia the Nineteenth of Nouember i621.
At a Generall Quarter Court ∥held∥ for Virginia on Wedensday in the forenoone the 21 of Nouember i621
At a Generall Quarter held on Wedensday in the Afternoone for Virginia the 2i of Nouemb: i621
At a Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 4th December i621
At a Court held for Virginia the 19th of December i621
At a Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 16 of Ianua: i621
At a Court holden for Virginia the 21 of Ianuary i621
A Præparatiue Court held for Virginia in the Afternoone on Wedensday the 28th Ianua: i621
At a Quarter Court held for Virginia the 30th of Ianuar 1621
At a Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 13th of ffebrua: 1621
A Virginia Court held on Wedensday 27th ffebruary i621
At a Court held for Virginia the i3th of March i621
An Extraordinary Court for Virginia held on Wedensday in the Afternoone the 20th of March i621
At a Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 27TH March i622
An extraordinary Court held for Virginia on Wedensday the 30 of Aprill i622
At a Court held for Virginia the 10th daye of Aprill i622
Virginia Court held the 8th of May i622
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The records of the Virginia Company of London
VOLUME 1, 1619–1622
The records of the Virginia Company of London