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[Thee, Jesus, Thee the' eternal Lord]

Then said they unto Him, Who art Thou? &c. —viii. 25.

Thee, Jesus, Thee the' eternal Lord,
Jehovah's uncreated Son,
Jehovah's unbeginning Word,
The first great Cause of all, we own


Thee by Thy works and doctrines find
The Light and Life of all mankind.
In works, in deeds Thou dost declare
Thy own Divine almighty power,
Yet harden'd infidels forbear
Thy sovereign Deity to' adore,
They will not know Thee who Thou art,
Or feel Thee living in their heart.
A life Thou hast which ne'er begun,
Which no decay or end shall know,
A life Thou didst assume, lay down,
To save this wretched world below:
And through Thy loss the sons of men
May all Thy life eternal gain.