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[I would believe that Thou art He]

If ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die, &c. —viii. 24.

I would believe that Thou art He
Who came from heaven to die for me:
Saviour of men, the power supply,
Nor leave me in my sins to die:
A sinner on Thy mercy cast,
I mourn for my offences past;
O for Thy own dear sake forgive,
And saved by faith my soul shall live.
If now Thy previous grace I feel,
Which melts my stubbornness of will,
If crush'd by unbelief I groan,
And languish for a God unknown,
One ray of light and comfort dart,
One spark of faith into my heart,
And let me feel Thy sprinkled blood,
And see Thee now my Lord, my God!