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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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 15-7 to 15-15. 
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expand section35. 
expand section36. 

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Sec. 12-9.3. Powers and duties of chief.

The chief of the fire department, or in his absence the next
ranking full time paid fire department officer with the rank of
captain or above, shall be in full authority and have complete
supervision of all equipment and personnel in attendance at a
fire. The chief and other officers of the volunteer company shall
exercise direct supervision and control over volunteer personnel
during a fire, but shall receive direction and instructions from the
full time officers with the rank of captain or above. In the event
no full time paid officer with the rank of captain or above is on
the fireground, then a volunteer officer with the rank of captain
or above will be in charge.

It shall be the duty of the chief of the fire department to keep a
record of all fires, their place and time of occurrence, and to
ascertain if possible the amount of insurance, if any, and actual
loss, and make a report thereof to the city manager for each
month by the tenth of the next month. This monthly report shall
show, in addition, the general condition of the fire department
together with an inventory of all apparatus and equipment and
the condition and estimated value thereof and such other
information as the chief may deem proper or the city manager
may require. He shall also make such reports to the state
commissioner of insurance as may be required of him by state
law. A monthly volunteer attendance report shall be made each
month to the Volunteer Company. The chief of the fire
department shall deliver to his successor in office all records
pertaining to the department which may be in his control.

The chief of the fire department shall have charge of the
firehouse and apparatus, and shall see that the apparatus is kept
in good condition and ready at any and all times to respond to a


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call and properly cared for at and after returning from a fire, that
the hose is properly dried out, that the house is properly cared for,
and perform such other duties as may be necessary to keep the
firehouse and apparatus in good condition. (8-19-74, § 2.)