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[O Thou whose offering on the tree]

O Thou whose offering on the tree
The legal offerings all foreshow'd,
Borrow'd their whole effects from Thee,
And drew their virtue from Thy blood:
The blood of goats and bullocks slain
Could never for one sin atone:
To purge the guilty offerer's stain
Thine was the work, and Thine alone.
Vain in themselves their duties were,
Their services could never please,
Till join'd with Thine, and made to share
The merits of Thy righteousness;
Forward they cast a faithful look
On Thy approaching sacrifice,
And thence their pleasing savour took,
And rose accepted in the skies.


Those feeble types and shadows old
Are all in Thee, the Truth, fulfill'd,
And through this sacrament we hold
The substance in our hearts reveal'd;
By faith we see Thy sufferings past
In this mysterious rite brought back,
And on Thy grand oblation cast
Its saving benefit partake.
Memorial of Thy sacrifice,
This Eucharistic mystery
The full atoning grace supplies,
And sanctifies our gifts in Thee:
Our persons and performance please,
While God in Thee looks down from heaven,
Our acceptable service sees,
And whispers all our sins forgiven.