University of Virginia Library


[No; the Spirit's dispensation]

The Holy Ghost was not yet given; because, &c. —vii. 39.

No; the Spirit's dispensation
Was not then on earth begun;
Jesus in His bloody passion
Had not laid the ransom down,
Had not by His dying merit
Bought the universal grace,
Through His prayer obtain'd the Spirit,
Pour'd Him out on all our race.
But we now by faith adore Thee,
Jesus high above all height,
Reinstated in Thy glory,
Repossess'd of all Thy right;
Thou hast with Thy Father pleaded
Thy oblation on the tree,
Thou hast in Thy suit succeeded,
Gain'd the Holy Ghost for me.


Now He is sent down from heaven,
Witness of Thy power above,
Is to true believers given,
Source of all our joy and love:
Yes; we now Thy bliss inherit,
Now our Pentecost is come,
Thou hast seal'd us by Thy Spirit,
Mark'd for Thine eternal home.