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July 15-21

July 15-21

Convocation ends today. Mr. Meade preached an old sermon ....''It is time to seek the Lord." Such a warm day and we foot it to church. In the evening sister Betty returns from Aunt Sally's where she and the children have been staying for a day and night. We have a pleasant quiet evening. Dr. Jones is so agreeable and has so little bigotry for a Presbyterian. He talks so beautifully of our trials and troubles in this life; why they are sent and how they should be borne by us so that in the end they prove themselves blessing in disguise. I feel it a great privilege to be in the company of such a godly man. Monday Dr. Jones and Son and the rest of the Music Hall family are invited to Castalia to breakfast. We have a most sumptuous repast. About 10 o'clock say good bye to my friends all and start for home. Sister Betty and Co. are with me as far as town. Find Mary Lewis at Dr. Nelson's waiting for me. We do not go home until later in the evening on account of the heat. All well at home. I'm right glad to be back though I had a very pleasant trip and those whom I care for seemed really glad to see me once again. I've promised Aunt Sally and sister Mary to try and visit them again in the fall. Music Hall is a sadly changed place to me but sister Mary and her children are still and ever will be very dear to me and I shall always try to see something of them even though I feel that I'm not a welcome guest to all in the family. From sister Mary and my brother's children I'm always sure of a welcome. Find a letter waiting me at home from Lydia; also one from my dear old friend, Miss Vallant. She is in very bad health. Fear much she will never be well again. She writes very affectionately and says we have her heartfelt sympathy in all our troubles. She sends me a picture of Mrs. Arrowsmith and herself which I shall prize much. A call this week from Mr. Bennet Taylor and his bride [Lucy Colston.] The warmest weather I ever felt. Some nice rains the last of the week which makes the crops grow. Write to brother Peter and Nannie. Ma very poorly.