University of Virginia Library


[Jesus, descended from the sky]

The words that I speak unto you, they are, &c. —vi. 63.

Jesus, descended from the sky,
The power of God in man Thou art;
Thyself, to whom I now apply,
Speak Thy own words into my heart:
Thy words are more than empty sound,
Inseparably one with Thee;
Spirit in them, and life is found,
And all the depths of Deity.
While feebly gasping at Thy feet
A sinner in my sins I bow,
O might I now my Saviour meet,
And hear and feel Thy sayings now!


Speak, and Thy word the dead shall raise,
Shall me with spirit and life inspire;
Speak on, and fill my soul with grace,
And add me to Thy deathless choir.