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July 1-7

July 1-7

At the brick church and hear Dr. Jones....Such a beautiful sermon. It did me good. Dr. Jones and his two sons are friends of Robert's and are putting up at Music Hall. They are nice people. The Dr. is an elegant gentleman as well as a scholar. He is a native of South Carolina though he lives in New Jersey; is a true Southerner in feelings. I was much pleased with both Father and sons. I divide my time between Castalia and Music Hall. Ma and I spend a night with Alice [Lewis] and a day at The Creek. Lizzie Dee is at home and gives me the benefit of a very interesting correspondence she has lately had with a genuine Yankee. It is very amusing. She gives him fits. See Sue Stanford. She is so cheerful and pleasant. She spends a day and night with me at Music Hall. On Saturday Ma goes home. I expected to go too but sister Mary and Aunt Sally say they have not (seen) anything of me so I conclude to stay a week longer. Jimmy Minor takes Ma home. She seems improved by her visit. Only wish she would be satisfied to stay longer.