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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia :

the charter as amended and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole June 6th, 1932, in effect July 15th, 1932

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Procedure Upon Arrest, Reports, Disposition of Fines and

Sec. 489(65). Appearance upon arrest.

(a) Whenever any person is arrested for a violation of any
provision of this section the arresting officer, shall, except as otherwise
provided in this subsection, take the name and address of such
person and the license number of his motor vehicle and issue a
summons or otherwise notify him in writing to appear at a time
and place, to be specified in such summons or notice, such time
to be at least 5 days after such arrest unless the person arrested
shall demand an earlier hearing, and such person shall, if he so desire,
have a right to have immediate hearing or a hearing within
24 hours at a convenient hour, at the next session of the Civil and
Police Justice Court. Such officer shall thereupon and upon the
giving by such person of his written promise to appear at such
time and place forthwith release him from custody.

Any person refusing to give such written promise to appear
shall be taken immediately by the arresting officer before the
nearest or most accessible court having jurisdiction under this


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Any person who wilfully violates his written promise to appear,
given in accordance with this subsection, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and regardless of, and in addition to the disposition
of the charge upon which he was originally arrested.

(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not
apply to any person arrested and charged with an offense causing
or contributing to an accident resulting in the injury or death
to any person nor to any person charged with reckless driving
or driving in excess of thirty miles per hour within a business or
residence district or in excess of forty-five miles per hour outside
of a business or residence district nor to any person charged
with driving while drunk or under the influence of intoxicating
liquor or narcotic drugs nor to any person whom the arresting
officer shall have good cause to believe has committed a felony,
and the arresting officer shall take such person forthwith before
the nearest or most accessible magistrate.

(c) Any officer violating any of the provisions of this section
shall be guilty of misconduct in office and subject to removal
therefrom upon complaint filed by any person with the Council.

Sec. 489(66). Report of convictions to be sent to department.

(a) The civil and police justice shall keep a full record of
every case in which a person is charged with violation of any
provision of this section and in the event that such person is convicted
or that his bail is forfeited, an abstract of such record shall
be sent forthwith by the civil and police justice to the department.

(b) Abstracts required by this subsection shall be made upon
forms prepared by the department and shall include all necessary
information as to the parties to the case, the nature of the offense,
the date of hearing, the plea, the judgment, the amount of the
fine or forfeiture, as the case may be, and every such abstract
shall be certified by said justice or clerk of such court, as a true
abstract of the records of the court.

(c) Each clerk of any court of record of this City shall also,
within ten days after any final judgment of conviction of any violation
of any of the provisions of this section, send to the department
a certified copy of such judgment of conviction. Certified
copies of the judgment shall also be forwarded to the department


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upon conviction of any person of manslaughter or other felony
in the commission of which a vehicle was used.

(d) Wilful failure, refusal or neglect to comply with any of
the provisions of this subsection shall subject the person who is
guilty thereof, to a fine of not less than ten dollars and not more
than fifty dollars, and may be grounds for removal from office.
Charges for dereliction of the duties imposed by this subsection
shall be tried by the court of record having jurisdiction over the
officer whose neglect is complained of, and the proceedings shall
be upon an informal complaint of any person.