University of Virginia Library



The wren
Pipes on the fence and mocks at foolish men,
Who waste their little lives in quests beyond their ken.
Small king,
Thou'rt happier than we who cannot sing,
To sweeten life, who pine to fly and have no wing.
No breath
Thou wast'st, as we, on what the dullard saith;
And when thy life is done, thou hast no fear of death.
Too wise
Thou art, the things that pass away to prize
Or waste a thought on that which is beyond the skies.
Scant store,
Wise wren, thou settest by our loveless lore;
Content art thou thy life to live and ask no more.
How vain,
Compared with thine, our lives of stress and strain!
How void the quests in which we weary heart and brain!
Well might
We lesson take from thee and live, whilst light
Abides with us, content to pass away at night.

Lat. Regulus, Fr. Roitelet, Ger. Zaunkönig.