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The Shepherd's Garden

By William Davies

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Though the expectant season pour
All its blossoms in thy lap,
Look not thou for fruit therefore:
Fairest hope hath foulest hap.
Nothing in this world is sure:
All men's ways are up and down:
He doth reap who hath not sown:
Wisdom folly must endure:
Rain may rot the ripened corn;
Truth decline before the strong:
Love may die for hate and scorn,
Wary right for wily wrong.
Though the expectant season pour
All its blossoms in thy lap,
Look not thou for fruit therefore:
Fairest hope hath foulest hap.
Hues that in the rainbow shine
Do but beacon other showers:
Cankers grow in fairest flowers:
Every rose puts forth a spine:


Think not that to-morrow shall
Bring thee better than to-day;
Whatso now doth thee befal
Coming winds shall waft away.
Though the expectant season pour
All its blossoms in thy lap,
Look not thou for fruit therefore:
Fairest hope hath foulest hap.
Wealth when gained hath still a dearth:
Grace by honour is befooled.
Wouldst thou rule? then thou art ruled:
Count thy gold, it turns to earth:
Kisses are not worth a thought;
Less than nothing they must be:
Love itself is dearly bought
With a false felicity.
Though the expectant season pour
All its blossoms in thy lap,
Look not thou for fruit therefore:
Fairest hope hath foulest hap.
Thus the hollow world doth cheat
All its votaries one by one:
Each doth seek to hold his own;
Fraud with falsehood to compete:


Promises are made of air:
Friendship is a gilded face:
Smiles but hide a heart of care;
Sweetest simpers sour grimace.
Though the expectant season pour
All its blossoms in thy lap,
Look not thou for fruit therefore:
Fairest hope hath foulest hap.