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The poetical works of William Nicholson

With a memoir by Malcolm M'L. Harper ... Fourth edition

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Tune—“O'er the Muir amang the Heather.”

I sing the bonny banks o' Fleet,
Where Nature spreads her various treasure;
Frae fruits and flowers of every hue,
To berries blae, and craps o' heather.
Thy pebbled shores and sea-girt isles,
Thy far-famed woods and views sae mony;
Thy hills and towers where simmer smiles,
Thy strappin' lads, and lasses bonny.
Thy winding banks and flowery dells,
With bloomin' fields around in order;
Where commerce spreads her flowin' sails,
Auld Card'ness towers o'erlook thy border.
Upon thy banks a borough stands,
Sae feat and healthy, few's completer;
If search through Scotia's southern strands,
Nane's shieled sae biel', nor shows aught sweeter.


Castramon waves his leafy locks,
Amidst the meads where flowers are springing;
And shields wi' woods his furrowed rocks,
Where lightsome birds are blythely singing.
The Rusco ruins, nodding grey,
Where Gordons gay ance blythely ranted;
And wild woods spreading o'er the brae,
By nature's ruleless hand been planted.
At distance Cairnsmuir rears his form,
The hoary snaw his haffits wrappin';
His dark brows brave the wintry storm—
A blue mist bonnet co'ers his tappin'.
Fain would I sing each noble name,
Where kindness blends wi' wealth her traces;
But deeds surpass the poet's pen,
As native smiles do borrowed graces.
Fareweel, ye bonny banks o' Fleet,
Where nature spreads out a' her treasure;
Frae fruits and flowers o' every hue,
To berries blae, and craps o' heather.