University of Virginia Library


Thus, entring Cell again, Althusa strait
Vanish'd for Sex to ayre, full manly State
Polindor reassumes (ith' open Chest
Found comely Robe, which long since did invest
Young, generous Astorin) whilst smil'd Flostel;
Whose Mans robes, Faulchion, that Chain-belt so well
Bedeck'd his Person round, there seem'd to move
In one (she thought) both God of War and Love.
Next, Cordiall waters drunk, took good Repast
Oth' Hermits pleasing food, which when did wast
Rufin would all supply; perhaps procur'd
No Place by him as yet, thing unassur'd
(Nor would he Wonder more, but deem some Fright
Caus'd this Concealment, as their former flight)
Mean while on Heaven themselves, their faith they roul.