University of Virginia Library

LXXVI. Dulciter pangamus:
‘Te deum laudamus.’


Of a mayde Criste did not forsake
Mankyende to take man fre to make
And into blisse with hym to take.
Te deum laudamus.


Alle erthily creatures, that be,
Mote laude and preyse that lorde so fre,
With hert and myende to whom singe we:
‘Te deum laudamus.’


O perfecte god, o perfecte man,
That for vs hast take woundis wan,
With hert, wille and thought, as we can,
Te deum laudamus.


O shaper of heuen, erthe, se and sonde,
O lorde and prince of euery londe,
That hast made vs fre, that were bonde,
Te deum laudamus.


For thy grete gyftes manyfolde
Lent to seruantis bothe yonge and olde,
The whiche thou hast create of molde,
Te deum laudamus.


O Criste, that thus hast take nature
Of myelde Marie, that virgyne pure,
Of heuen blis to make vs sure,
Te deum laudamus.


O fader, o sonne, o holigoost,
O thre and one, of myghtis moost,
Thy myelde seruantis, in euery coost
Te deum laudamus.